Choosing a Wholesale Spice Grinder Partner in 2022

If you are looking for a wholesale spice grinder partner in the new year, there are a few criteria that will need to be considered. COVID-19 has had a massive impact all over the world. This includes the economy as a whole. But it has also shone a spotlight on the importance of stringent health and safety measures. For the food industry, this has never been as essential. Food packaging plays an integral role within health and safety, ensuring a supply chain that is protected against pathogens, tampering and other concerns. In today’s times, businesses can no longer afford to put these concerns second to factors such as pricing.

With this in mind, choosing a wholesale spice grinder supplier comes down to far more than price. Quality is an equally, if not more important criteria. This should be reflected across every aspect of the product packaging, from health and safety all the way to value-added services. Choosing the right partner this year will have a knock-on effect on the quality of your products. It will also affect your reputation, customer satisfaction and overall profit margin.

Choosing the Right Wholesale Spice Grinder Supplier

You may be at a point where you are no longer happy with the products or services offered by your current supplier. You may be starting a new business selling specialised spices. You may be in a position to scale your current business, with a need for larger volume grinders, closures and bottles. Whatever the case, here are some things to reflect on when choosing the right wholesale spice grinder supplier in 2022.

Quality assurance

It is no longer enough for suppliers to claim that their products are of high quality. Unless this can be backed up by certification and other quality assurance, these claims are meaningless. Be extremely wary of choosing non-certified suppliers. Certification involves an extremely stringent process, with every single aspect of production carefully evaluated by independent authorities. Compliance is subject to strict regulations, with re-certification, audits and other measures in place to ensure that suppliers continue to meet the standards set forth by quality guidelines.

Health and safety

In industries such as food packaging, FSSC 22000 is the certification Scheme for Food Safety Management Systems based on existing standards for certification in the consumer goods industry. As a global Scheme, it serves as a guideline for all food safety measures used by certified suppliers. In addition to certification, other criteria that signify that your potential supplier is committed to health and safety includes sanitisation efforts. At Global Grinders, our High Tech Ozone Chamber is used to sanitise all products before dispatching, ensuring peace of mind for you and your customers.

Value-added services

Along with these essential criteria, it is also useful to partner with suppliers who provide more than basic products. Value-added services can vary according to your needs. For example, Global Grinders offers customisation of grinder top and closure colours to work with your brand. We also offer services such as tamper-proof liners, pressure-sensitive foam liners, induction liners and UV marked traceability codes.

Over many years of service, Global Grinders has delivered outstanding quality to businesses across South Africa, the United States and Europe. We are proud to be the leading supplier of wholesale spice grinders, ensuring the perfect grinder, every time.

Why Price Isn’t the Only Factor When Choosing Wholesale Spice Grinders

When buying wholesale spice grinders, there is a common conception that price is the most important factor. Whether you are a major seasoning manufacturer placing large orders or a smaller catering company that requires mid-sized orders of multiple grinder sizes, price is just one factor. The problem with choosing suppliers based purely on price is that lower prices can often mean lower quality. You may find a supplier that offers the cheapest grinders on the market. You may decide to import from China or other destinations that supply extremely low cost products in bulk. Although you may save on the order itself, you could end up losing on overall profit if the grinders are of poor quality.

What should you be considering when choosing wholesale spice grinders, then?

The Smart Way to Choose Wholesale Spice Grinders

Price doesn’t have to be taken out of the equation completely, of course. It makes little sense to spend a fortune on your packaging unless your final products have a high market value. Ideally, you should be considering all of the following factors when making your decision.


The first and most important factor should always be quality. Whatever your industry, you do not ever want to compromise the quality of your final product. If your seasonings are packaged and sold in poor quality bottles, with grinders that don’t work properly or flip-top sprinklers that easily break off or fall apart, you will have a problem. Your customers associate your packaging and your product with your business. To customers, there is no difference between the seasoned salt you sell and the grinder it is sold in – it becomes a single product. When the grinder is of poor quality, customers will see your entire product as poor quality. You then stand the risk of developing a poor reputation, losing sales and profit.


Once you have determined that you are getting a good quality grinder, you can then take price into consideration. There are a few things to note about price. This will ultimately be determined by various factors. The size of the grinders is one factor. Then there is the material of the bottle – glass or PET plastic. The type of grinder top is another factor. If value-added services are included, such as custom colours, tamper-proof liners, induction liners or UV traceability, that will also affect the price. A supplier that offers a wide selection of grinders, bottles, flip-top lids and services will provide high value. That means that you will get a higher return on investment. Prices should be competitive. However, if you purchase grinders that keep your seasonings fresher and allow you to brand your product, you will get maximum value.

At Global Grinders, our goal is to bring you premium quality grinders at competitive prices. Our products are fully certified, meeting stringent quality guidelines. We are the trusted supplier of premium grinders across the globe. Contact us today to learn more about our wide range of wholesale spice grinders.

What to Know About Wholesale Spice Grinder Customisation

At Global Grinders, we offer a wide range of value-added services, including wholesale spice grinder customisation. Whether you are looking for grinders and flip-top closures in your brand colours or grinder bottles in unique shapes, customisation can be a way to make your product stand out. There are a few things to note about customisation, however. In this guide, we share some tips on what you need to know when considering customised wholesale spice grinders.

Understanding Wholesale Spice Grinder Customisation

Here are a few things to know about wholesale spice grinder customisation.

What parts are customised?

There are a few parts that can be customised. Most commonly, the grinder or lid is customised. A wide range of custom colours can be chosen. From a brand point of view, this helps you choose grinders in your company colours. You can also select specific colours for different seasoning ranges. For example, you may use red tops for seasoned salt, blue tops for special herb blends and brown tops for pepper blends. You may choose a variety of colours within your brand colours. For example, if your primary brand colour is green, you may use different shades of green for different blends. You may choose solid colours or tinted transparent grinder tops. Bottle sizes and shapes can also be customised. You might have a specific design that suits your brand look. You may require larger or smaller bottles to suit your needs. Along with customised tops, this ensures that your grinders are fully tailored to suit your brand look.

Is customisation right for every company?

With that said, customisation isn’t always the right choice. This will depend on the company and the industry. A large spice company selling in a traditional retail environment may find that customised lids help products stand out. Uniquely shaped bottles will not always be easily kept on shelves. If bottles are too wide or too big, they may not be placed near other standard bottles. You may find that a smaller boutique retail environment is more suitable. But it may not be worth taking a chance, only to find your products being stored somewhere in a corner because they do not easily fit onto shelves. On the other hand, in a catering or corporate gifting company, unique bottle shapes will stand out. There are no limitations such as shelving. Ultimately, the decision will be made using careful market research to determine the best shape for your specific needs. The goal is to make your product stand out. If that comes at the price of not being easily displayed in supermarkets, you will miss out on that goal.

What are the benefits of customisation?

There are a few benefits of customisation. The biggest one is, of course, the chance to stand out. Branding plays a vital role in packaging. For products such as salt, pepper and seasoning, you want your packaging to be as attractive as the contents. You put in a lot of effort and time to create labels that showcase your product to perfection. It makes sense to do the same with grinders. When you have beautifully designed labels and colourful lids in your brand colours, your product stands out from competitors. It also creates a more cohesive experience, especially when your product has the same look as your website, brochures and marketing material.

For more information on wholesale spice grinder customisation, contact Global Grinders today.

What is Wholesale Spice Grinder Quality Conformance?

When finding a wholesale spice grinder supplier, quality conformance should always be top of mind. Almost every business involved in the preparation and sale of food products needs to adhere to quality guidelines. For larger seasoning producers, products need to go through a strict quality protocol to maintain ISO certification. Certification applies not only to the products themselves but also to the packaging. This means that the grinders you purchase need to be fully compliant with relevant ISO quality guidelines. If you choose a supplier that does not meet these guidelines, your product cannot be certified.

Quality conformance applies to measures taken to ensure that all third-party supplier packaging, parts and products meet ISO guidelines. In the case of wholesale spice grinder manufacturers, it means partnering with a supplier that is committed to ensuring full transparency and assurance at every stage of the production process.

There are a few specific measures that will help you ensure quality conformance when choosing a trusted supplier. In this article, we share some of the important features that comprise conformance to global quality recommendations.

Wholesale Spice Grinder Quality Conformance

Conformance is essential across all parts of the supply chain. If your suppliers are not certified, you will struggle to achieve certification as a seasoning manufacturer. Some of the most important things to look for when choosing a wholesale spice grinder supplier include the following:


Grinders should be individually UV marked. This provides proof of complete camera line inspection for full traceability and quality conformance. The advantages of this are two-fold. On the manufacturing side, it ensures that all empty bottles have been fully checked at each stage of the production process. This means that there has been a comprehensive assessment right up to the point that the grinders and bottles are sent through to your facility. Once they arrive on your side, you are then able to use the UV codes to keep track of progress during the filling and distribution stage. This ensures full traceability throughout every stage, with minimal room for error.

Tamper-proof lining

Tamper-proof liners are created to remove the risk of contamination. They also ensure product freshness. The lining includes pressure-sensitive foam lining as well as induction liners. Foam lining has polystyrene foam on one side, with an adhesive layer on the other side. The liner is bonded to the bottle using pressure that secures the liner to the container. The closure is removed, leaving the liner on the top. Liners for grinders and flip-tops can be applied manually. Induction liners are officially recognised as tamper-proof by the FDA. These liners contain board backing, foil and a heat-sealable film. They are passed through an induction machine, which causes the liner to bond with the glass or plastic bottle. A hermetic seal is created. The liner is then removed by end-users.


Certification is another essential thing to consider when choosing a supplier. When manufacturers are fully certified, they are compliant with local and global quality guidelines. They are required to have their own stringent processes to maintain certification and pass audits. This means that you will have the benefit of partnering with a supplier who is fully compliant at all times.

As a trusted supplier providing premium products within South Africa and abroad, Global Grinders is committed to quality. Contact us today to find out more about how we ensure full quality conformance at every stage of production.

Do Wholesale Spice Grinders Need Foam Liners?

As an effective anti-tampering measure that seals in freshness, foam liners are essential for wholesale spice grinders. These liners are made from polystyrene foam, with an adhesive layer on one side that bonds to the container. Pressure is used to secure the grinder or sprinkler closure onto the bottle. Once the lid or grinder is removed by the end-user, the liner stays in place until the seasoning is opened. Both grinders and flip-top closures can be manually capped without the need for machines, making this a cost-effective way to keep spices and herbs fresh and avoid contamination. Keep reading to find out why foam liners are a good choice for wholesale spice grinders.

Pressure Sensitive Foam Liners for Wholesale Spice Grinder

Some of the biggest benefits offered by pressure-sensitive foam liners include the following:

Protects the contents in wholesale spice grinders.

In a busy production and packing facility, it is essential to have visual authentication of contents integrity. Foam liners make it easier to keep track of items that have been packed, prepared and sealed. This means it is easier to get products packaged and shipped with full peace of mind knowing that every bottle is safely sealed.

Seals in freshness.

Spices and herbs have a limited shelf life. Once the cap has been removed, there is a far greater risk of contents losing their freshness. Even if your spices and herbs are sealed in plastic after packaging, liners still add an extra barrier against moisture, providing a tight inner seal on the lid as well as the bottle.

Reduces the risk of contamination.

This is especially important during times like the current pandemic. Food safety is now more of a priority than ever. Sealed bottles will protect against any risk of airborne diseases. They will also help to prevent the spread of foodborne pathogens. This gives your end-users peace of mind knowing that products are always kept sealed and safe as soon as bottles are filled and packaged.

Cost and time efficiency.

As we mentioned above, these liners are a cost-effective solution. They do not require facilities or special equipment. They can be purchased in bulk and added manually. They work on both glass and plastic bottles, making them ideal for all of our spice bottles supplied by Global Grinders. They are an ideal choice if you are seeking a simple tamper-proof lining that is efficient yet inexpensive.

Global Grinders offers tamper-proof linings as a value-added service, including pressure-sensitive foam liners. Contact us today for all of your wholesale spice grinder needs and we will help you find the best solution for your budget.

Why Your Wholesale Spice Grinders Need Induction Liners

For wholesale spice grinders, freshness and quality are essential. Induction liners offer a way to avoid tampering at any stage of the packaging, distribution or selling process. They create an airtight seal that prevents leakage, greatly extending the product’s shelf life. These liners are added to grinder caps, providing three layers of protection – a heat seal, a foil centre and a backing piece usually made of board or similar material. They are essential to keep your salt, pepper, spices and herbs fresh until they are purchased and opened by consumers. Keep reading to find out more about how induction liners and why they are important for wholesale spice grinders.

The Importance of Whole Spice Grinder Induction Liners

Here’s what you need to know about induction liners and their use in keeping seasonings fresh in spice grinders.

What are induction liners?

Induction liners are also sometimes referred to as heat seal liners. As we mentioned above, they comprise of three layers – the heat seal, the foil middle and the backing piece. These layers are added to the inside of the grinder top or flip top sprinkler. Once the bottles have been filled with seasoning and they are ready to be prepared for packaging and distribution, the cap is added and the entire grinder is sealed. The contents are fully sealed inside the bottle and need to be removed for the bottle to be opened and the contents used.

How do they work?

To seal the induction layers once contents are ready for processing, an induction machine is used. This machine heats the layer, allowing it to bond electromagnetically to the glass or PET bottle. It creates a hermetic seal that can be peeled off by consumers. Application of the seals to the bottles cannot be done manually. This is because a very specific torque setting is needed to ensure consistent application. If some parts of the seal are bonded but others are not, there is an increased risk of leaks and other issues. The contents will not be air-tight, which can lead to spices losing their freshness, taste and aroma. It can also increase the risk of weevils and other contaminants that pose a health risk to consumers. For full peace of mind, it is best to include this value-added service from your spice grinder manufacturer, who will have a comprehensive understanding of the induction process.

Why are they so important?

The most obvious advantage is the fact that induction liners keep food contents fresher for longer. In retail environments, spices, salt, pepper and seasonings may sit on shelves for long periods until purchased. Even when purchased long before best before dates, products need to be kept fresh for as long as possible. When customers open their newly purchased spice, they expect the contents to be fresh and ready to use. Without induction liners, the contents may clump when moisture or air penetrates the container. Contents may lose their taste, too. This will have a direct impact on your product quality. In this, this will have a knock-on effect, putting your company’s reputation at risk. Induction linings are tamper-proof. This means that there is no risk of contamination at any point once the bottles have been prepared for final packaging and distribution.

Global Grinders offers a selection of value-added services, including induction liners and pressure-sensitive foam liners. Contact us today to find out more about our premium quality wholesale spice grinders.

Which is Best – Electric or Manual Spice Grinders?

When it comes to spice grinders, consumers have two choices – electric and manual. Electric grinders are not normally associated specifically with spice, however, they are still sometimes used by consumers who already own grinders that are used for coffee and other non-spice products. Manual grinders are typically associated with salt, pepper and other coarse spices. They are commonly purchased and used, usually in individual bottles containing the specific type of spice.

How do these compare and will electric grinders ever offer an alternative to manual spice grinders that affects sales of the latter?

Electric vs Manual Spice Grinders

There are a few key differences between these two spice grinders. Application, cleaning and overall quality of the spice are the main considerations when comparing the two. Here are the differences worth noting.


Electric grinders come in the form of grinder attachments that fit onto blends or separate, small electric grinders. They are not commonly made for spice specifically. Most are made and used to grind coffee. The average consumer will not only use the grinder for coffee, however. They will also grind many other ingredients, including whole oats, rice, sugar, seeds, nuts, and even herbs. Although this makes electric grinders versatile if whole spices are also ground along with various other ingredients, this is not always ideal. Over time, electric grinders tend to develop a build-up of items that are ground. If coffee is ground most frequently, ground ingredients may begin to taste and smell like coffee over time. Grinder blades and the metal bowl need to be cleaned frequently and even if they are cleaned, this build-up can still occur. Another downside is the fact they require electricity to be used. With loadshedding still a major concern in South Africa, this can be frustrating if grinders cannot be used.


Not counting pestles and mortars, manual grinders come in the form of bottles – PET or glass – and grinder tops. These are sold in individual bottles and used in their bottles. Many can be used again with the help of refill sachets. They are still not mixed with other spices or ingredients. This means that the flavour and smell are not affected. Customers can grind pepper or salt, fill their grinders when the spice runs out and then expect a fresh, pure flavour and scent. Grinder bottles can be cleaned and used for other products (even non-spice items). Glass bottles will not be susceptible to build-up if cleaned properly. It is easy to clean and can be recycled frequently. The fact that manual grinders are small, compact and sold at market-related low prices in supermarkets and various other stores is another advantage. They can be kept on spice racks and used as needed, without any need for plug points or power.

In most cases, consumers will have both types of grinder. The demand for manual grinders will never go away, however. As more small-scale spice manufacturers emerge, there is a growing consumer need for good quality products.

Sourcing grinders and bottles from a trusted ISO certified supplier such as Global Grinder is the best way to ensure that your spice grinders remain a staple for your customers.

How Spice Grinder Quality Impacts Your Business Reputation

You may not associate spice grinder quality with your business reputation. But, just as the quality of your products matter, so does the quality of the packaging. Today, there is an abundant number of spice manufacturers. These include small companies specialising in specific niches, such as seasoned salts. They also include large-scale commercial companies that manufacture and sell an extensive collection of salt, pepper, herbs and spices. Whatever the size of the business, reputation is a major factor in business success. This is the deciding factor on whether a customer will purchase your spice grinders. It also determines how your customers speak about you, online and in person.

The Impact of Spice Grinder Quality

Poor quality spice grinders have a direct effect on your reputation. Some of the ways that poor quality grinders can affect the way that customers view your business include the following:

Product freshness.

Grinders and bottles should be made from materials that have been quality tested extensively. Even the slightest drop in quality can result in spices losing their freshness. Although most commercial-grade seasoning can last on the shelf and in kitchens, spices start to lose their flavour as time progresses. Packaging that allows any air to enter the bottle can cause spices to degrade quickly. Bottles and grinders without tamper-proof linings do not seal in freshness, even if the final product is sealed with a plastic covering. When spices and herbs lose their flavour, customers are unlikely to purchase from your company again. If they purchase products that have been sitting on the shelf, they may find that the products have very little flavour. This can very quickly lead to complaints – to your customer care line or on social media.

Product defects.

In addition to keeping spices fresh for as long as possible, the grinders, flip top closures and bottles need to be made to high standards, too. Bottles should be made of high-quality PET rather than cheap plastic that easily warps. Glass should be fully recyclable and strong enough to last for endless refills. Grinders should work easily without jamming over time. Sprinklers should be made of high-grade material, with hinges that do not easily break. Defects in the grinders and bottles will lead to complaints. As most spice companies do not offer returns, the responsibility lies with the store that the customer has purchased the product from. If this happens frequently, the store can decide to pull your products. This can also happen in the case of spices that frequently lose their freshness before their best before date.

Customer expectations.

Today’s customer has very high expectations. Due to the wide choice of spice manufacturers on the market at present, customers have more choice than ever. If a customer is not happy with a new product they have tried, they will often simply not bother to purchase from that brand again. They may complain if they find problems with the product, such as poor flavour. Complaints made on social media platform or poor reviews left on Google or other platforms do not go away. Even if you respond to every complaint, you run the risk of losing potential customers and alienating current customers. In most cases, unhappy customers simply do not purchase again. Over time, this results in a poor level of customer retention. This has a knock-on effect, resulting in your company developing a reputation as a cheap yet poor quality manufacturer.

Global Grinders is a world-renowned manufacturer of premium, ISO certified grinders, bottles and closures. We have a long-standing history and a strong presence across South Africa, Europe and the United States. Thanks to our constant commitment to quality, our customers always have full peace of mind that they are purchasing spice grinders that meet even the highest standards.

The Importance of Recyclable Spice Grinders

As a manufacturer of spices, partnering with a supplier that provides recyclable spice grinders is essential. In today’s world, plastic production has reached massive levels. Pollution has become a global crisis. Cheap, non-recyclable plastics very quickly end up in landfills, before being released into rivers, oceans and other ecosystems. Even glass can end up in landfills, rather than being recycled. Beyond the environmental impact of non-recyclable spice grinders, there are many other factors that make sustainability a major concern.


Wholesale Spice Grinders and Sustainability

The primary ways that sustainability should be top of mind when choosing wholesale spice grinders include the following:

Environmental impact

As we briefly mentioned above, the effect of plastics and other non-recyclable or reusable materials has been devastating. From a global perspective, non-consumables have resulted in major pollution – not just in urban areas but also in protected areas. Plastics especially put entire ecosystems at risk, affecting wildlife, marine life, birdlife, and natural environments. When choosing plastic grinder bottles, always choose bottles made of PET. These can be recycled and pose a far reduced risk to the environment compared to other types of plastics. Glass bottles are also an excellent choice, as glass can be recycled over and over again.

Global compliance

Sustainability goes beyond the environment. There are many regulations concerning the use of disposable materials that cannot be recycled. Although it is not technically illegal to use bottles or grinder tops that cannot be fully recycled, you may need to comply with certain regulations if you are seeking ISO certification or other globally recognised quality certification. Failure to comply with any requirements regarding sustainability may end up preventing you from achieving certification.

Business reputation

Even if sustainability is not required for compliance, it will certainly affect the way that your customers perceive your business. As consumers become more aware of their environmental footprint and services such as composting and recycling become the norm, a growing number of consumers are choosing products according to their commitment to sustainability. In many cases, non-recyclable product containers and packaging are associated with cheap, once-off products rather than quality products that have values aligned with consumers. When sustainability is taken seriously and included within brand values and mission, there is a far better chance of increasing business reputation and developing a loyal consumer base. Sustainable products can also attract new customers who are seeking products that are fully sustainable, from spices to bottles, grinders and packaging.

At Global Grinders, we are committed to providing the best quality products while ensuring sustainability at all times. View our product brochure to find out more about our recyclable, premium quality wholesale spice grinders.

Choosing the Best Wholesale Pepper Grinders

Whether you are looking for wholesale pepper grinders for your restaurant or retail business, choosing the right grinder is essential. At a glance, grinders may all seem the same. Unlike flip-top closures, grinders are designed for coarser spices such as pepper. Grinders are specifically made for whole peppercorns, grinding them to a consistency into smaller particles. Choosing the right wholesale pepper grinders comes down to whether you want a finer or coarser grind or a variable grind.

Choosing Wholesale Pepper Grinders

There are two main types of grinder: regular and adjustable. Here’s how each type of wholesale pepper grinders compares.


Regular grinders are made to grind whole peppercorns into medium particles that can be distributed evenly over food during serving or into food during cooking. Global Grinders offers a selection of grinders in this category. These include our Elegant, Classic, EcoClassic, EcoGrand, Gourmet, and Ecoline grinders. These grinders deliver a perfect grind every time, making them ideal for restaurants, retail, guest houses, events, and various other purposes. Other coarse spices and seasoning can be used in these grinders as well, including salt and flavoured peppers.


As the name implies, adjustable grinders have more flexibility. These grinders have a mechanism that allows consumers to switch between fine and coarse grinds by adjusting the grinder. They are a great option for restaurants especially, as they give diners more choice for seasoning. Global Grinders offers a range of adjustable grinders, including Inline Adjustable and Elegant Adjustable grinders. We also offer the Eco Gourmet Adjustable Dial grinder, that offers a choice of 3 grind settings – fine, medium and coarse. This grinder has a clear lid that displays the adjustment lever.

Choosing the best grinder will ultimately come down to your specific requirements as well as your end-user. If you are in the catering industry, you may consider adjustable grinders, as they offer more variation for diners who may have different preferences when it comes to food seasoning. Offering grinders that offer variation can help your restaurant or cafe deliver a better dining experience by offering customers the ability to choose their own grind to flavour their meals the way they prefer. If you are a spice manufacturer or supplier, you may consider offering both types of grinder. In this case, your market is end-users, who typically use seasoning in the home environment. Some users may prefer consistent grinds while others may prefer a choice of grinds.

Whichever type of grinder you choose, Global Grinders is the best place to purchase premium quality grinders that are made according to the highest quality standards. Contact us today to find out more about ordering wholesale pepper grinders.