Whether starting a new business or trying to reduce costs, cheap wholesale spice grinders are never worth the chance to save a few rands. You may think that reducing your initial overhead cost will be worthwhile in the long run if it helps you save. Although you might save in the short term, you stand a very high risk of not only losing profit in the long term but also putting your business reputation in danger.
Running a spice business relies on being able to guarantee the highest level of quality to your customers. When customers are not able to enjoy freshly ground herbs and spices from your company, they will turn to your competitors. This has a knock-on effect on your bottom line as well as your entire brand. Keep reading to find out why cheap wholesale spice grinders are bad for business.
Why Avoid Cheap Wholesale Spice Grinders?
What makes cheap wholesale spice grinder such a big risk to your business? For starters, here are some of the biggest dangers of going with the cheapest option instead of the best option.
You will not be able to guarantee product freshness.
One of the biggest dangers of a poor quality grinder is a poor quality final product. Quality grinders are made according to stringent guidelines. Features such as tamper-proof liners help to preserve ground herbs and spices on the shelves for as long as possible. When you buy the cheapest grinder rather than the best quality grinder, you will not be able to guarantee that your product lasts on the shelves. This may not affect your business when you have new stock, but it will when you try to move stock that is closer to expiration.
You will not be able to ensure ISO certification.
If you are trying to obtain ISO certification, you will not be able to do so unless your grinders have been manufactured by an ISO certified supplier. Many businesses try to cut costs and corners by sourcing large amounts of grinders at the cheapest prices, from China or other destinations that specialise in low cost products. Because the supply chain is harder to track, it will become impossible to obtain certification. This will have a knock-on effect for your business, resulting in an inability to guarantee a quality approved product to your customers.
You will not be able to establish a reputation for quality.
Finally, another risk that can put you out of business is the effect that poor quality grinders have you on your reputation. In today’s world of social media and internet reviews, it takes a matter of seconds for customers to voice their concerns about your products. When you are unable to provide a consistent level of quality, you put your business at risk of poor reviews. Over time, this has a direct impact on your sales. Even if your sales price is low, customers will not want to purchase products that have lost flavour and strength. This will impact on your bottom line in a way that can be very difficult to reverse.
Rather than putting your quality, products and reputation at risk, make sure that you choose a supplier who is able to provide the best quality grinder, every time. Contact Global Grinders today to learn more about purchasing wholesale spice grinders in Cape Town and surrounds.